Thursday 3 April 2014

What have Room 16 been up tp this week?

We have been really busy this week. Can you tell from the photos what our letter of the week was? Look at our masks and that will give you a clue. That's right the letter r. R starts rabbit and robot and also rice bubbles! Mrs Evans thought it would be a good idea to make rice bubble crackles. We thought it was too! They were yum! We also went to our school garden and we planted some broad bean plants. We are going to watch item grow. We hope nothing eats the little plants. Summer wrote a great story about our trip to the garden. She had five ideas in it.Wow! That was a fantastic effort. Can you tell who the children are behind the masks?


  1. Wow Room 16 it looks like you had a fabulous day! We were lucky enough to see your fantastic masks today and they were awesome!
    From your next door neighbours Room 15

    1. We had a great day! We love Friday funday!

  2. Is it Baillie, Jake and Tayla in the back row.I think I can see Declan but the masks are too good for the other childrenGreat masks Room 5.

    1. Yes Mrs Drake you are too good! Tayla, Jake and Baillie are in the back row and Declan and George are in the front row.

  3. Thanks Whaea Heneriata for checking out our blog.

  4. Awesome to see so many smiley faces!

  5. Oh wow - yum yum to those delicious rice crackers - wish I had been at school when you made them :) ..and what great children planting beans to grown.

    You are all so smiley and happy - shows you are all having awesome fun \.

  6. I had a rice bubble crackle for the letter r, it was really yummy. From Declan
